Litter "F"
Revenge Flying Warrior Forest Land Chilabo
Photo by Kuba Florkiewicz
Dam: Red Hot Chilli Pepper Energizer
Sire: Vigour Bohemia Alke
ED 0/0
CEA - Normal
TNS - Normal/Carrier
PRA/CAT/cPRA/RPED/RD/CEA/Glaucoma - Free (11.11.2016)
How is Viva?
Viva is really nice bitch with not so strong character. She is well balanced, good switch on/off, easy to handle and always ready to work. Loves people, kids and other animals. Viva is fast learner and knows many tricks. She has a lot of achivements in dogfrisbee (UFO champion of Poland 2012, UFO second place in freestyle at UFO European Championship etc.) and one start in obedience class "0" (first place).
Panter Blade Black Fitmin
Dam: Kitty Akumulator
Sire: Detania Victory
ED 0/0
CEA - Normal
TNS - Normal
PRA/CAT/cPRA/RPED/RD/CEA/Glaucoma - Free
How is Blade?
Blade is very nice, energetic dog. At work is extremely attentive, patient, sensitive to human gestures. Very friendly to people and other animals. He trains agility (A2) and flyball. Blade also catch frisbee, he has really nice natural fetch and great jumping technique. Sometimes he works with sheep (ZVOP).
We expected very social, well balanced puppies with great will to please.
Easy to handle, with predispositions to sports.